About the Heliboogie

Sign up for the heliboogie simply by clicking HERE!
Dates: June 15th-22nd 2024 - Registration starts february 1st - 2024
Max. number of jumpers: 250
PS: Helirides are still 4 days, from tuesday throug friday
Any info may change – it will be published at our Facebook page/ events
Registration fee: 500 NOK – annual registration fee SBK
Boogie fee: 500 NOK – includes free boat transport during the heliboogie
Heli ticket: 650 NOK per flight
(all prices are in Norwegian kroner and are subject to change)
Heliboogie has been organized since 1998 and is an annual tradition. It is all about having fun. Meeting other base jumpers from all over the world with the same passion; jumping off fixed objects. Especially high cliffs like Kjerag that have about 1000 meters from the top to sea level. Usually, it takes 2.5 to 3 hours to get from Lysebotn and hike up to exit #6. During heliboogie you have the opportunity to fly up in just 10 minutes.
In the evenings the Batcave bar is open and is where we gather to see the video of the day, have fun, listen to good music, dance and mingle with other jumpers from all over the world to share experiences.
Saturday is the final day, and a custom party is on, don’t forget to bring the coolest, funniest, weirdest or whatever outfit you would like to dress up in.
SBK Base
E-mail: sbkbase@gmail.com
Join us on Facebook
Phone: +47 98444159 (Only service in season from mid May – mid September)